So you’ve got your pavers picked out. You’ve found the perfect retaining wall. Your visions for your own backyard paradise are finally starting to take shape.
Now what?
Now it’s time to put the finishing touches on your hardscape project!
. . .
Released in 2012, our Anglia Edger is the perfect product to give your yard the polished, professional aesthetic you’re looking for. Use it to cleanly separate your gardening handywork from your walkways or lawn. Its natural chiseled finish and tapered ends accentuate the natural texture and flexibility of the curb unit. Available in two colors – Cotswold Mist and Gascony Tan – the Anglia Edger compliments driveways, patios, walking paths, and small planning areas.

The large multi-size units of the Anglia Edger create a natural looking curb with a minimal number of joints. That means installation is clean, simple, and efficient! Not to mention cost-effective.

Proper edging is the key to making your hardscape really pop. It’s also critical to keeping grass and weeds from disrupting your garden. Our Anglia Edger brings you a stylish solution that’s easy to install and easy on your wallet.
If you’re interested in learning more about how our Anglia Edger can tie your hardscape together, contact us!