Pennsy Supply Inc.
Centrally located in Harrisburg, PA, Pennsy Supply's building materials store is the region's leading supplier of Belgard Hardscapes, various construction materials and bulk landscaping supplies. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is committed to exceeding customer needs by providing the latest quality products and services on which you can depend. With over 20,000 square feet of warehouse space and a two acre stockyard, we have a full inventory of products serving the needs of masonry, concrete, landscaping, and paving contractors to create a "one stop shop" experience. Our friendly staff welcomes the "Do it yourselfers" and can assist you with application and product recommendations to fit your project needs. Through our store we also offer single axle deliveries of crushed aggregate, sand, and decorative gravel as well as a spider truck for block and bagged deliveries. Pennsy Supply, Inc. constantly trains its personnel on all the latest products and services to assure our staff can advise you on the right product to meet your needs. Stop by our showroom to get a full view of the wide range of products we offer and check out our new "Contractor's corner" for free daily refreshments and a spotlight on the newest most advanced products to hit the market.
1001 Paxton StreetHarrisburg, PA 17104